Sunday, September 8, 2013

my mom is the best.

When my husband and I were dating I definitely showed my love towards him by doing "service."
I would surprise him by cleaning his apartment, doing his laundry, and even organized his closet. 
He told me he loved it but at the same time he probably thought I was a little crazy.

One thing I discovered while doing his laundry is the fact that his shirts ALL have to hang dry.
I hate high maintenance laundry but I've become use to it. 
My mom bought him this drying rack pictured below from Bed, Bath, & Beyond. It is our saving grace from preventing our house from becoming covered in clothes. It expands and also has multiple levels and we've loved it. We use it probably at least twice a week. I highly suggest it. When you aren't using it you just fold it up and put it in a closet. Poof!

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