Sunday, June 23, 2013

Medicine cabinent

I don't take a lot of medicine and that is how I was raised.
I don't know right away what certain medicine helps
I found this idea on Pinterest. 
I did my own take on it but this is the picture I went off of.
I found my container at Wal-Mart. 
Labeled each drawer (depending on what you use)
Then put it in our Kitchen for easy access.
*The only downside of this, is the throat spray doesn't fit in a drawer. If you have a lot of bulkier things I suggest getting a larger container.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love this! My medicine cabinet, (though I'm like you and was raised not taking medicines so I don't have much), and my spice cabinet drive me nuts. I have so many different brands of spices, I don't even know where to start to try to organize it... Maybe I need to take the plunge and buy a spice rack, or do you have any ideas?
      Ps. I deleted my last post, it had grammatical errors that were bothersome. :)
